A selection of our frequently asked questions can be found below.

Parents can create a supervisory account to link their child's school account by clicking the link beneath the pricing options on the parent pricing page.

You only ever need one parent account even if your child/ren are given new student accounts each year.

Any parent can create a parent account. You can do this via a prompt from your child’s student account.

Make sure you remember the password used. You can then log into your parent account and link your other child/ren.

(Or you can go to the Studyladder website and select Join Now and then Parent account. Then link your child/ren from the parent account)

You can create a student account yourself if you use Studyladder for homeschooling or want to use it independently of school.

Once you create a parent account you can check their username and password, change their password, access their certificates and will be emailed their results.

If/when children receive a new student account, they will be prompted to recover the points form their old student account. Once they do this, their new student account will become linked to your parent account.

Check out the guides on the Help menu of your parent account.

If you have created a parent account and the child is linked to that account, you can login to your parent account and see the child’s details.

If you have not created a parent account we cannot hand out usernames and passwords when we cannot identify you as the parent, however, the child’s teacher has full access to the login details for your child.

The most common occurrence is that your child has logged into their old student account. This can happen when it has been saved onto a device. Get them to fully log out of this account and log in again with the username and password given by the teacher.

There can be a range of reasons:

  • Quite often this is a mistyping of the username. Common mistakes are confusion with the letter L, letter I and number 1. Likewise the letter O and number 0
  • If you are not progressing once entering the username/password, change to Google Chrome browser and see if the issue continues. Older browsers may not have the same security.

Only people with unlimited access are those with Home Plus (ie paid) access.

  • Parents, schools use Studyladder for a small fee. Your child can still use Studyladder outside school hours for homework and practising what was learned in class, but there are limitations on what they can access.
  • Home Plus parents: If your child is still experiencing limitations, log into your parent account and check that their student account is linked. If not, you can add it there and they will have full unlimited access. Check the guides on the Help menu of your parent account to assist you.

When you sign up to a parent account, Studyladder will email you a quick link when a new certificate has been earned. If you don’t print it immediately it can be overwritten by the next certificate the child earns.

Don’t worry, you can access all certificates from your parent account.

Check out the guides on the Help menu of your parent account.

We do not communicate with students using our site. We do not hold their email addresses.

However, children occasionally attempt to create parent or teacher accounts. They confirm they are an adult and a parent or teacher when attempting to sign iup.

We run a range of security checks but we cannot always pick up every attempt. Many schools/districts/education departments allocate email addresses to students that cannot be distinguished from those given to teachers. In these instances our automated emails may be sent to a child.

A teacher account is set up for a large number of students within similar grade levels.

A parent account is set up to address the needs of each individual child.

A parent account with Home Plus access has more much access and materials than a teacher account and will meet the needs of a home educator better.

All of the same teaching materials are on a Home Plus parent account plus ALL of our tutorial videos are available on Home Plus accounts. (all tutorial videos are not available to teachers)

If you are a member of a home education association check to see if we provide discounts for your membership

  • Dark Green - For a score over 80%
  • Amber - For a score between 50-79%
  • Red - For a score between 0-49%
  • Light Green - Resources without scoring. E.g. videos
  • Grey - The activity has yet to be attempted.

When you go to the Studyladder site, we direct you to the one that applies to your country - studyladder.com.au, studyladder.co.nz, studyladder.co.uk, studyladder.ca, studyladder.com

This will map to the correct spelling and curriculum for your region.

However, we occasionally see some people with a VPN or similar that disguises their location. If we cannot determine your location - or if your location is not Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada or USA - then you will be sent to studyladder.com.

It is easy to change to your correct curriculum before you sign in. At the very top right of the screen, select your country. Then sign in and you will see the correct curriculum.

Parents and guardians can archive or add student accounts from within their accounts. Buttons for these are located beneath the list of students.

If you have paid for our 12 month Home Plus package you can request a full refund within 14 days of paying.

Email us at support@studyladder.com.au or support@studyladder.com and request the refund.

Please email us using the email address that you have used on your account with us.

To sign up for a teacher account you must be a teacher or studying education at university / college.

You must work at a school as we define it for school use.

You must be linked to a school to enable your account to operate

We do not allow teachers to use a teacher account for tutoring, for their own children, for any other commercial use.

To Join:

  • On our site, select ‘Join now’ then ‘School Teacher Account’.
  • Use the email address supplied by your school. We will send a verification email to your email address and you can then access your account.
  • To enable your account to work, you will need to link to your school. Or request we add your school.
  • As mentioned above, your school must meet our criteria for school use.

Each teacher needs to sign up to Studyladder separately. They need to use their school issued email address to do so and read and accept the Terms & Conditions.

Once they verify their account via a link in an email we send them, they can then search and find your school.

There can be a range of reasons:

  • Quite often this is a mistyping of the username. Common mistakes are confusion with the letter L, letter I and number 1. Likewise the letter O and number 0
  • If you are not progressing once entering the username/password, change to Google Chrome browser and see if the issue continues. Older browsers may not have the same security.

We do not communicate with students using our site. We do not hold their email addresses.

However, children occasionally attempt to create parent or teacher accounts. They confirm they are an adult and a parent or teacher when attempting to sign iup.

We run a range of security checks but we cannot always pick up every attempt. Many schools/districts/education departments allocate email addresses to students that cannot be distinguished from those given to teachers. In these instances our automated emails may be sent to a child.

When you go to the Studyladder site, we direct you to the one that applies to your country - studyladder.com.au, studyladder.co.nz, studyladder.co.uk, studyladder.ca, studyladder.com

This will map to the correct spelling and curriculum for your region.

However, we occasionally see some people with a VPN or similar that disguises their location. If we cannot determine your location - or if your location is not Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada or USA - then you will be sent to studyladder.com.

It is easy to change to your correct curriculum before you sign in. At the very top right of the screen, select your country. Then sign in and you will see the correct curriculum.

Yes. Create a teacher account using the email address supplied by your educational institution.

Then link to a school in your area or where you are known. Perhaps where you have completed some ‘prac’ teaching.

We do not allow businesses to use our school resources.

However, if you are a tutor you can sign up for a parent/supervision account and pay for unlimited access.

Studyladder does not provide learning resources for adults.

Our activities are aimed at children aged 4 to 12 years of age. They are child centric activities that ‘speak’ to children in a tone suitable for a child up to 12 years of age.

We do allow high schools to use our site but cannot stretch that to adult learners

Note: Our student accounts prompt children to have a parent create a free parent account. This can be an awkward situation for adult learners

School administrators can print an invoice or payment receipt by choosing 'Manage Subscription' from their admin page. Invoices and receipts can be downloaded by clicking the arrow within the Invoice History section.

  • When teachers register for a Studyladder account, they are required to choose a school.
  • Any new teachers who transfer to a new school and already have a Studyladder account can change schools from their accounts by choosing SCHOOL > Change school.
  • New Studyladder teachers can register by choosing Join Now from Studyladder's homepage.
  • Administrators can also invite teachers to register with Studyladder from their admin page. The teacher will receive a link to start the registration process.

**Any teacher linked to a school will have school subscriptions automatically applied to their accounts.

When students receive a new account from the school, they can recover their previous points in their new accounts.

  • Students with new accounts will be promoted to do so the first few times they log into their accounts.
  • Points can also be recovered from within a student's account by clicking on the three lines at the top right of the page, then Student Profile Menu > Recover points.

All online activities score student progress and report back to teachers and parents. If a student's results are not showing, it may be that the student did not complete the task, as activities only score on completion.

If a student's activities are not displaying correctly, please contact support@studyladder.com.

This is usually because the student has logged into an old account (the username is shown next to their avatar at the top of the page).

While in class, teachers can restrict their students from using various parts of the site by clicking the 'access control' button on their dashboard.

The restrictions will remain in place while the dashboard session remains open.

Most pre-primary lessons include text-to-speech using an authentic voice.

Users can use the text-to-speech functionality with most current browsers for lower and upper primary lessons.

Printable QR codes are located by choosing STUDENTS > Edit Class.

Click ‘Create student QR codes’ then scroll to the bottom of the page to print.

Once a teacher creates a class, they can create 'groups' within the class.

To create a 'group', choose STUDENTS> Edit Groups, then click the 'add a new group' button.

Choose a group name, and then allocate students to that group. Remember to click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

When you next create pods to set tasks, the group will become an option for setting the work.

Teachers can create multiple Learning Pods at any time. Any Learning pods they create will become part of their 'My Pod Library' section on the dashboard.

You can also schedule Learning Pods for a later date to assign to the class or groups.

To set a Learning Pod for a class or group, you can do this in multiple ways:

  • Go to your dashboard and click the 'Learning pods' button; on this page, the whole class or groups will be displayed on tabs along the top banner. Select the group you want and click the 'Assign a pod from your library' button, then select the Pod you would like to assign with the 'link' icon.
  • Click 'My Pod Library.' In the action bar, click on the 'link' icon and select which class and group within the class you would like to set that learning pod in.

To Unassign a Pod from a class or group, click the 'break link' icon in the action bar.

Pods are reusable and can be assigned or removed from a class or group anytime.

**When you unassign the Learning Pod, it will remove the Pod from your student's set tasks.

Teachers can delete Learning Pods In 'My Pod Library' by clicking on the red "bin" icon in the action bar.

If you would like to save your Learning Pod for another time, you can download it and store it on your computer as a backup.

If you would like to start over from scratch, you can also delete your entire pod library.

In 'My Pod Library' in the Bulk actions bar, you can select the red "bin" icon to permanently delete them all.

** This will permanently delete the library, so be sure to back it up by clicking the 'Upload' icon in the Bulk actions bar.

  • Dark Green - For a score over 80%
  • Amber - For a score between 50-79%
  • Red - For a score between 0-49%
  • Light Green - Resources without scoring. E.g. videos
  • Grey - The activity has yet to be attempted.

A school administrator can check their school's hours by choosing SCHOOL > School details.

To change school hours, contact support@studyladder.com.

Experienced teachers create all the content in Studyladder. The outcome-based activities allow teachers to set tasks and develop programs relevant to their students' needs.

The content in Studyladder is developed using curriculum outcomes from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

You cannot link up a student account to the class. Instead create a new student account along with the rest of the class.

Home Plus access sits on a parent account and any linked student will receive full access

When students log into new accounts they are prompted to recover points from old accounts.

Once this is done, the new student account becomes linked to the existing Home Plus parent account and full access flows to the new student account.

Parents: check out the guides on the Help menu of your parent account to assist with this process.

There are two options when paying the admin fee.

Admin Fee: This gives teachers unlimited access to all Studyladder’s resources 24/7.
Students have unlimited access to all online activities and rewards during school hours and access to three activities per day from home.

Admin fee + unlimited set tasks: This gives teachers unlimited access to all Studyladder’s resources 24/7.
Students have unlimited access to all online activities and rewards during school hours, unlimited access to tasks set by their teacher from home, and three activities each day outside of set tasks.

  • From our homepage, choose 'Join Now'. Complete the required registration information by creating your account and linking your school.
  • Select the Pricing / Make Payment button.
  • Choose the school's plan, then ‘Pay Now’.
  • Select the payment method - either online or by invoice (We will send an invoice to your email address.)

**Choose ‘invoice’ if paying by bank transfer.

** When a payment is made for your school, any teachers linked to the school will have their accounts automatically activated as the admin fee is applied to their accounts.

For online payments, receipts are emailed to the user who created the account as soon as the payment is made.

For bank transfers, receipts are emailed to the user who created the account once the payment is received and processed.

**If you need a receipt emailed at any time, send your request to billing@studyladder.com quoting the invoice number.

To pay by invoice, choose the plan you wish to subscribe to and choose ‘Pay Now’. Then select a payment method – either online or by invoice.

Studyladder administrators can remove teachers from their school by logging into their accounts and selecting the ‘admin’ link at the top of the page. All the teachers currently linked to the school will be listed.

When teachers register on Studyladder, they choose a school as part of the sign-up process.

When a payment is made for your school, any teachers linked to the school will have their accounts automatically activated as the admin fee is applied to their accounts.

If you are still having difficulty please contact us.